Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bad ways to die

I was looking for something to read for my post for today and i came across a pretty amusing website, This site is a collection of articles and urban legends about the stupidest ways people have died. My favorite article was about a polish man who claimed he was the macho man in the world. When he and his friends were drinking one night, his friend sawed off the end of his foot, and the man just couldn't be outdone by his friend, so he took the saw and sawed off his own head. another good one i read was about a terrorist who didn't put enough postage on a letter bomb he was sending and it came back to him marked "return to sender", and he opened it and was killed. My other favorite was about a group of protesters who were protesting how pigs are sent to slaughterhouses so they freed a herd of pigs and then were trampled to death by 2,000 pigs.

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