Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Even More of The Winner

After being saved by the man contracted to build her fence, Matt Riggs, LuAnn goes to his house to talk to him and tells him to forget the whole thing. He has a hard time with this being an ex-cop, and still wants to help her and go to the police; and she tries to talk him out of it and he agrees to do so for the time being. Charlie goes into the town and tries to find out some information on the man that had followed LuAnn, but finds that he used fake names and adresses to rent the car. Also, Jackson finally finds out that LuAnn has returned to the US after 15 years against his orders and that someone has been trying to illegally find information on her. So he decides that he must go down to Virginia to investigate the mess that she has created. Alot of things happend in this set of chapters and i want to read more to find out what effect these things will have on LuAnn's future.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

More of The Winner

The reporter that has been looking to uncover LuAnn Tyler waited out front of LuAnn's house and confronted her by telling LuAnn her real name, which she hadn't heard in over 10 years of hiding from anyone else except Charlie, or Robert as LuAnn learns his real name. When she hears this while she is in her car, she immediateley speeds away and is followed by the reporter and eventually rammed when the man, and ex-cop, she contracted to build a security fence around her property comes and saves her from him. The man returned to the estate, he finds LuAnn has not yet arrived. When she does, she denies that she was being chased even though she clearly was, and that intrigues Riggs, the fence man. After the chase, you also learn more about the reporter who was chasing LuAnn. He moved out of his house into a more secretive place and the car he crashed while chasing LuAnn was a rental. You also learn that he is very good at his job, he's been doing it for 30 years and won a pulitzer. Im excited to read on and see how LuAnn reacts to being discovered.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Part 2 of The Winner

After winning the lottery drawing of $100 million, LuAnn must quckly escape the country to get away from the 2 bodies found in her home. Jackson has a plan to get LuAnn out, but she may never be able to return to the US again. That is where part 2 of the book begins, after she escapes, and it is set 10 years later. LuAnn has just bought a house in virgina and is trying to move back to the US but it is very hard for her due to what happend 10 years ago. At this same time, an investigative journalist is writing an article on lottery winners, and he is looking at past winners and whether or not they declared bankruptcy. He notices something strange about the lottery winners from 10 years ago, none of them have declared bankruptcy, but instead they seem to be doing very well. He looks at the names, and notices one that is very interesting, LuAnn Tyler. After reading all this, the reporter thinks he has an idea of how to uncover where she is. I am looking forward to seeing how the reporter plans on doing this.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Winner

I have gotten further in the book The Winner by David Baldacci since my last post. LuAnn finally made up her mind to accept the deal that Jakcson presented to her. Before she calls Jackson to tell him that she has accepted, she goes back to her trailer where she is attacked by a man that has already killed Duane over drugs and is trying to kill her. Then she calls Jackson and tells him she accepts and he tells her to buy a lottery ticket. She then decides to travel to New York for the drawing, but she does not notice that a man has been following her ever since she left the trailer. When she arrives in New York, she stays with a man that is worrking for Jackson in a hotel and waits for the drawing for a prize of $100 million, which she ends up winning with the help of Jackson. But she is not publicly known as the winner yet when the story of 2 dead men appears in the paper and the report that police are looking for her. I am excited to see where this leads as i continue reading.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Started The Winner

I started the book The Winner by David Baldacci (as you can see, im reading a lot of his books because my dad keeps buyin them) this week. The book starts with a man named Jackson, whom you find out likes to change his appearance as his business changes, offering a poor 20 year old georgian women named LuAnn Tyler a guranteed shot at winning a $50 million lottery. When he gives her the offer in his office, she doesn't believe him and to prove that he can come through on the offer, he turns on the TV on right before the winning lottery numbers for a $1 million jackpot are announced and tell LuAnn the winning numbers before they are announced. This makes LuAnn believe him that he can get her to win, but she thinks that if she accepts ths offer, she will be doing something illegal. While she is thinking about whether or not to accept the offer, she thinks about her 8 month old daughter and about how the money could get her out of the run down trailer she is living in and away from her alcoholic, unemployed boyfriend. I haven't read much of this book but i am looking forward to see if LuAnn will accept the offer or not and what Jackson really has up his sleave.